May God bless you all for what you contributed! We look forward to next year’s parish family picnic. Hopefully it won’t be as chilly next year so that we will be able to enjoy more comfortably our fellowship and conversation.
So timely after our parish family picnic last Sunday and the several weeks that we have been and continue to talk about the helping hand ministry and other ministries, we have the gospel this Sunday that mentions service, and the way to greatness is service. Jesus said: “Whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant.....For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.” Jesus reminds us that life is all about service and not just about looking good or feeling good. Ask yourself today: What service have I done? What service am I doing for God and for others? At the end of our lives, may we not have regrets that we did not use all the opportunities God gave us because we were too focused on ourselves.
It is also a coincidence that this Sunday we celebrate World Mission Sunday. It reminds us that beyond ourselves, beyond our families, beyond our country, we must all be involved in mission. We don’t need to go far, we can start from where we are and around us. Maybe there are people in need of help because they are sick, financially struggling, hurting, lonely, depressed, recovering or one of many other reasons. Can we lend our helping hand and be of support to them?
How beautiful it will be if we can make a difference in the lives of others because of our humble service given out of love.