For the past three weeks, as I was away with the Bishop in the Philippines and the early deadline for the bulletin company, Dave Posney, the Pastoral Council Facilitator, took the opportunity to share with you in my column some updates, issues and concerns in our parish that were addressed at the pastoral council meeting. One item was regarding our cemetery. Beginning August 1st, 2018 there will be a price adjustment with regard to cemetery lots and services. The last price adjustment was done five years ago. For those who missed the article, you can check it out on our parish website or inquire from our parish office. Second, issues about maintenance regarding parish properties like Fr. Dom’s Prayer Garden, the Church Bell Tower and our Fellowship Hall Air Conditioning Unit were addressed, as well as the need for janitorial services since our current parish custodian, Dave Valencic, is still recovering from surgery. And finally moving forward, the Council identified possible future projects in our parish such as vinyl flooring in the church side vestibules, replacing the padding on the pews, carpet in the center and side isles, window replacement of the Administrative Center and upgrades to the cemetery chapel.
Our purpose of sharing these items with you is to let you know how we take care of our parish in all aspects as we are called to be good stewards. And you, being part of the parish family, we want to be more transparent and open so we can journey together while sharing our joys and concerns, our aspirations and visions not only for the present, but also for the future. When we are united and we take part in our parish, there is life, there is vibrancy and there is strength!
P.S.—This Sunday, we are honored that two of our senior students from our parish, Andrew Nigra IV and Brandon Bowser are among the senior students in the entire Diocese of Greensburg to receive Parish Youth Honors. This event will be held at the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral in Greensburg, presided by Most Rev. Edward C. Malesic, Bishop of Greensburg, at 3:00 P.M.
Congratulations to Andrew Nigra IV and Brandon Bowser!