“You are the salt of the earth and the light of the world.”
Jesus used these two images in addressing His disciples in the gospel this Sunday; images that speak of what they are called for, but it can also be true to us.
Salt and light are familiar to us. We know what salt can do for our food. It adds flavor to our food. It makes our food tastes good. However, too much salt is not good. Salt also preserves food. Light on the other hand, is also important in our everyday life. It makes our life easy and we appreciate it a lot, especially when we are in the dark. It guides our path and keep us away from trouble.
If we apply salt to our Christian life, it means that we are called to add flavor into the world. Flavor, in a sense that we share our lives and our talents in the community and the world that we live in, believing that each one is important and whatever God has given is meant to be shared and not to be kept for our own individual purpose. When we learn to share, we come to appreciate the uniqueness of each one’s gifts and talents. Once pulled together, it creates a beautiful picture of a community. We also shine like a light and give witness into the community of what it means to be a true Christian by our acts of kindness and generosity.
Last Sunday, I was once again moved with great appreciation and gratitude with the great turn out when we announced the need for volunteers to help in setting up the scaffolding inside the church to begin our initial phase for our high altar project. About twenty strong men showed up and shared their skills and talents. Thank you for your kindness and for sharing your time and skills. Another incident was the outpouring love and support of many individuals in helping the Guatemalan family, especially for their newly born baby. It was heartwarming. They are new to the area and recently joined our parish. Thank you to the St. Vincent de Paul Society and the many individuals who extended their assistance.
You are indeed living the gospel as the salt of the earth and the light of the world. May God continue to bless us as we journey together as a parish family and community.
On Tuesday, February 11th, the memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes, we observe the World Day of the Sick; let us also remember to pray for those who are sick in our family and in our community that through the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes, may God grant them healing, both in body and spirit.