If you recall, last year we held several listening sessions in different locations within our parish community. The purpose was to reach out, know the concerns of every member, and try to address them so we can better serve. One of the concerns that came up was the need to have bible studies or small group studies. Well, we listened to you. Last Thursday, we began our first session for the bible studies entitled “Unlocking the Mysteries of the Bible”. We had more than forty participants. I was glad to hear that after the first session, many liked it and they are excited and look forward to the next session on Wednesday. This bible study meets every Wednesday from 6:30 to 8:00 P.M. at St. Mary’s Fellowship Hall. It will run through November 14th, 2018.
Another concern that we heard from the listening sessions was the need to provide young adults, ages 20 to 40 years old, an avenue where they can engage in faith discussions without being forced to come to church - to meet where they are coming from. Again, we listened to you. We are launching the Theology on Tap that will begin in November and will be spearheaded by three young couples within the above mentioned age group. Once a month, a speaker will be invited to give a talk to a group of young adults in our parish or neighboring community. The topic will be related to their interests. It will be done in a casual and relaxed setting like a restaurant or a place where they like to hang out with their friends so they can freely express themselves and interact with the speaker.
The need for a men’s group in our parish was brought up in the listening sessions, something to provide an opportunity for men to gather and be of spiritual support to one another, growing in holiness while encouraging them to engage in the parish and evangelization. We will soon be launching the Holy Name Society.
Finally, last Sunday we launched the Helping Hands Ministry with the aim of helping those in our community who are in need, on a temporary basis, like preparing food for those who are elderly or recovering from surgery, doing yard work or cleaning, driving somebody to their doctor’s appointment or picking up their prescription, health care and others. Our coordinator is Gina Jones. Those interested in volunteering or in need can either call Gina at 724-448-9251 or email her at: [email protected].
With all of the above, we recognize the working of the Holy Spirit upon us as He guides us in our journey to become one family of God. As St. Paul said: “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them to everyone.” (1Cor. 12:4-6). Whatever gifts God has given us, let us use and share them. Let us make a difference and make other’s lives better!