I have to say that as a parish, we have fulfilled the above conditions. I thanked those who joined the pilgrimage to the Shrine of Fatima, in Portugal, last July, 2017. I also thanked those who joined in praying the rosary every 13th of the month either in our prayer garden or in our Church, in honor of Our Lady of Fatima.
This past Monday, November 13th, we formally concluded our observance of recitation of the rosary every 13th of the month, but I still encourage you to pray the rosary in your home with your family, as Fr. Patrick Peyton once said that a family that prays together, stays together. It is one way of keeping us united and connected.
As we celebrate Thanksgiving Day this coming Thursday, may we remember to pray and thank God for all the blessings He bestowed upon us, not only with the food that we are about to partake, but especially with the gift of family and the opportunity to celebrate another Thanksgiving Day. Let us not forget that everything we have comes from God: life, health, work, family, friends, home, and all other blessings. So let us not allow to pass this Thanksgiving Day without giving thanks to God for giving us an opportunity to celebrate it with our family and friends.
Happy Thanksgiving Day!