This week, our Diocesan Lenten Appeal formally ends and I would like to personally thank you all for your generosity in supporting our diocese and our parish projects for this year.
Our parish target was $68,279.00, of which $43,279.00 goes to the Diocese of Greensburg to support the different offices, ministries and educational institutions in their administrative and pastoral functions and the $25,000.00 remains in our parish and will be applied towards our DLA projects this year which is the replacement of the main electrical panel in our Church and the painting of our Church steeple.
Because of your generosity, we not only reached both our diocesan and parish targets, but we exceeded them. As of this week, we have a total number of 3ll donor pledges in the amount of $106,820.00, of which $85,948.80 has already been paid.
This is truly remarkable for our parish. James Edwards, Managing Director of the Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Greensburg, sent an email to me congratulating us for raising 248% of our DLA goal. He said St. Mary’s is leading the way in terms of percentage of goal reached.
To date, we have already replaced the main electrical panel in our Church basement and you have probably seen our Church steeple and how beautiful it has been painted. Thanks to Dan Timmons for a great job! He is now in his finishing touches and soon we will have the blessing of our newly painted steeple.
Again, I thank all of you who participated in our Diocesan Lenten Appeal this year and for making it a great success. Our historical St. Mary, Mother of God Church continues to exist and to grow because of you.
May God continue to bless you and your family for your generosity!