As we come to an end of the calendar year 2018, we have the feast of the Holy Family this Sunday that provides us an image to reflect on the importance of the human family. It is in and through the family that love is planted and nourished.
The family is the first school of sharing and concern for one another. No wonder God entered the humanity by way of the family. By doing this, He gave dignity to the human family. Through the incarnation of His Son, He sanctified the human family and made it a human model of communion and solidarity. This feast is not only about the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. This feast is also for all Christian families in the world.
The readings this Sunday give us a hint on how to model our families on the family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Sirach, in the first reading, gave some pointers to children: “Whoever honors his father will live a long life; he who obeys his father brings comfort to his mother” (Sir. 3:6). In short, obedience and respect to parents is tantamount to obedience to God and great blessings awaits them. Then, St. Paul in the second reading mentioned about the relationship of husband and wife, how wife should be subordinate to her husband and husband should love his wife and avoid any bitterness, bearing with one another and forgiving one another. He encourages us to put on the heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience to one another for these are the marks of God’s beloved children (Col.3:12-21). Jesus showed all these virtues to His parents and that is where He grew in age, wisdom and grace.
As we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family and enter the New Year in two days, let us heed the call for love and respect in our families, obedience to our parents and kindness to one another. This is where we grow in holiness and find true happiness.
Looking back how we journeyed as a parish for the year 2018, these are the highlights in terms of sacraments, finances and administration.
Baptism – Parishioners: 12 Non- Parishioners: 1 RCIA: 1
First Holy Communion: 17
Confirmation: 18
Weddings: 2 Validation: 1
Deaths – Parishioners: 10 Non- Parishioners: 6
New Families for 2018: 17
New Ministries: Helping Hands and Theology on Tap
Liturgical Ministries: Commissioning of new Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and new Altar Servers
Adult Formation: Bible Studies
Total Income $475,955.26
Beginning Cash Balance as of July 1st, 2017 26,167.18
Total $502,122.44
Total Expenses $469,000.39
Ending Cash Balance as of June 30th, 2018 33,122.05
Total $502,122.44
FACILITIES: These were funded by the DLA
Vinyl flooring in the Church
Replacement of Church pews
Children’s Liturgy Room