This Sunday, we enter into the third Sunday of Advent. You will see the priest wearing a rose vestment and the rose candle is lit in the advent wreath, together with the first two purple candles, to symbolize the third Sunday of Advent and emphasize our joy that Christmas is near. This Sunday is actually known as Gaudete Sunday which means rejoice because the Lord is close at hand.
St. Paul reminds us in the second reading: “Always be joyful!” It is not just about joyful expectancy that Christmas is very near but a reminder that Jesus is the reason to rejoice in the midst of life’s pains, sufferings and tragedies. Come to think of it, Jesus is “the reason for the season” and at the same time “the reason to rejoice in all seasons”!
I know we have different reasons for celebrating Christmas, like a time to be gathered as a family, a time to enjoy each other’s company, a time of giving gifts to our dear ones, and a time to share our blessings to others. But I hope we will not forget the real reason for our Christmas celebration—Jesus being born to us. A gift which God the Father has given to each one of us. So precious of a gift that deserves full attention and welcome from us. The past two Sundays we have been called to prepare so we can give Jesus what He truly deserves - a preparation that includes our heart to be free from any impurity.
We heard invitation to recourse to the sacrament of reconciliation within our region. I hope that everyone can make the time so we can approach Jesus with no hesitation and welcome Him into our hearts with joy and gratitude this coming Christmas.
In the Gospel, even John the Baptist prepared for the coming of the Lord by making straight the way of the Lord. He said, “I am the voice of the one crying out in the desert; make straight the way of the Lord”. So he did prepare and called the people to prepare as well by preaching the baptism of repentance and conversion.